Tuesday 8 March 2016

Bali: Beyond Beaches | Day 1

Back again after a long time! It's an irony I am drawn here for my assignment requirements rather than my passion for writing; my busy uni life doesn't allow me to keep up with the writing. 

Anyhow, this time I'm back with some exciting travel stories from all the way to Bali. This time we got to travel abroad for our experience culture course, which is a minor subject of Interior Architecture. We were fortunate enough to experience some of the most beautiful places and the rich culture of Bali.

The Prep 

To be honest, we have been preparing for the trip for quite a long time. Although pur trip was scheduled in February, we were going through the plan since October before our previous semester finished. 

From the beginning of the new semester, we were working on the prep on full swing. Preparation is one of the most important things before any trip. We also had assignment requirements where we were to come up with a manual bunting and trip itinerary presentations.

 This is the Bunting we did, all manual using water color. And although we were not quite satisfied with the outcome, I still think everyone worked really hard behind it. 

                                                                    Behind the scene

Self Prep

Miss had just returned from a trip from Bali, and she gave us a heads up about the weather and everything. Apparently Bali has a pretty hot weather and we were advised to take light clothes preferably cotton. Even the tshirt materials are not really appropriate, so I suggest you make sure you have cotton shirts/dresses with you before heading to Bali. 
The most important things one must not forget(specially if you're like me and can't stand the heat) are Umbrella, Sunblock and fan! Trust me you can't do without these in Bali.

Day 1|14th Feb 2016    

So, our journey began on the 14th of February at the earliest of hours. We were a group of 11 with 7 of my classmates from final year (yes we are seniors now!) and 3 lecturers. The flight was not so usual, as it was the Valentines day and the flight crew decided to play some fun games and woke us all up in the middle of  our not-so-comfy naps. 

 The Gang before the flight.

 Excited as I could see the Bali beaches from up there.

The rest of the flight was pretty uninteresting. As we reached in Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport, and were done with immigration and baggage collection, one of our friend Diyya's bag was found to be broken. Luckily all of us had bought travel insurance beforehand and it saved her from much hassle. I suggest everyone to get travel insurance while booking tickets, because you never know what might happen.

 Poor Diyya with her broken handle

 Going through the travel brochure while waiting for the bag case to be solved.

So, after much waiting, we could finally ge out of the airport. Our ride was waiting outside to take us to Ubud. It was about 2 hours journey from Denpasar to Ubud. All of us were pretty tired from the long journey and ended up sleeping through the whole ride. Or atleast i did so and did not have a clue what others were doing to be honest. 

                            The airport entrance and our cute lecturers and Diyya :P

 Our ride, managed to click this before I dozed off.

I loved the hotel we were staying in at Ubud. It's called Igna Bangalow and was amidst a busy street but a bit far inside. It was cozy and the best part I did not have to share the room with anyone. haha.

                                                            Night view of the hotel

As it was quite a long tiring day, our lecturers decided us to give the rest of the day to us for self experiencing. So after getting all freshened up, all 8 of us decided to go around the place, which is a very happening one I must include, with rows and rows of colorful shops and eateries. We looked around the shops for a while but we did not really buy anything as the price was quite high. So we decided to settle in one of the eateries and have dinner.

Finally we called it a day and returned to the hotel and went for a dip in the pool before heading to bed.

**All pictures hold the copyright of writer. Please Do Not use without permission.

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