Wednesday 30 April 2014


Going to post my drafting class portfolio works here as a part of the submission :)

So, the 1st topic was skill test and we were supposed to do a free hand sketch of any vehicle. This is what I did

The second topic was line and text. I'm not very proud of what I did for this particular section. I joined class 2 weeks late missed the lectures and although this 2 assignments were very easy I ended up doing messy and not so appreciable works

The 3rd topic is 2dimensional projections and we were given some very interesting and quiet hard draftings to do which were time consuming. the assignments include floor plan, roof plan, section, elevation, etc.

The 4th topic was 3dimensional projections which included isometric axonometric and one point perspectives

The 5th and last topic was free hand drawing and renderings which everyone enjoyed the most! Especially the last class was fun

  Thank you for following. I'll definitely improve my linewights and try to overcome the lackings :)

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